To be filled out by applicant

This grant application is a confirmation of the negotiations made during Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2022 between the “Licensee” applicant and the Licensor or its representative.

Section 1

Section 2


Section 3


Section 4

Title for which the grant is requested:

Author(s) name :

Section 5


Please make sure that the number of words is between 500 and 800


Section 6



Spotlight on Rights 2023

Categories of translated book

Terms & Conditions

All local and international publishers registered at Abu Dhabi International Book Fair (the “Fair”) are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) and agree to abide by them when applying for the financial grant offered by Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center (the “Arabic Language Center”) for those qualified. Please read these terms and conditions carefully.


1.1 The Arabic Language Center rolled out the “Spotlight on Rights Initiative” to offer a financial grant to publishers to encourage the translation activity. For this particular purpose, the Arabic Language Center provides a financial grant to participating publishers for a number of selected books whose translation rights are sold at the Fair to support the translation of books and spread the Arabic content.

1.2 The Spotlight on Rights initiative aims to boost cultural exchange and create networking opportunities among publishers around the world. It exclusively targets publishers registered in ADIBF 2022.

1.3 Publishers and commercial visitors can be individuals or companies.


2.1 Only publishers who have purchased the translation rights and the publication of the paper copies of such translations from other publishers or commercial visitors registered in ADIBF 2022, have duly submitted the application form and as specified in these terms and conditions are entitled to receive a financial grant.

2.2 The persons listed below are not eligible for the grant:

a. Employees, officers, agents and directors involved in and/or associated with the management, implementation and operation of the Spotlight on Rights or any third party involved in managing Spotlight on Rights (including any advertiser, promotion agency or agency implementing the Spotlight on Rights Initiative), as well as any other persons designated by law (including immediate family members) as being closely related to such individuals; and

b. Residents of a country or jurisdiction where participation in Spotlight on Rights may result in a breach of any law or regulations in place. Where applicable, the Arabic Language Center will not consider the publisher's application.

2.3 Publishers shall become automatically ineligible to participate in the Spotlight on Rights initiative and receive a financial grant when they violate (or attempt to violate) the spirit or the content of these Terms and Conditions.


3.1 Application process:

a. The application form available at ADIBF and/or via the ADIBF’s website (the “Application Form”) must be filled out and signed by the “authorized” applicant, and then attached after signing /e-signing the form. A licensee is the “grant applicant” exhibitor who obtains the rights to translate the licensed content from or into Arabic from another exhibitor or commercial visitor and applies for the grant.

b. The licensed “grant applicant” shall be eligible to submit several applications for several books during the timeframe, provided that the number of applications submitted does not exceed 25.

c. The licensee “grant applicant” shall set out in the application form the details of the book to be translated and the required language of translation (from and into Arabic).

d. All eligible publishers applying for the grant must provide valid contact information as part of the application process and shall be responsible for updating it in case any changes are made. The Arabic Language Center also reserves the right to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the applicant at any time.

e. Any applicants who do not correctly submit the application form by the end of the timeframe will not be able to take part in the Spotlight on Rights initiative or shall be deemed ineligible a financial grant.

3.2 Application deadline:

Applications will open on 23 May 2022 and continue until midnight on June 9, 2022

3-3 Selection process and requirements:

a. The Arabic Language Center will review all applications received during the specified timeframe and select the publishers who will receive the grant (“grant recipients”);

b. The Arabic Language Center reserves its rights to accept or reject any number of application forms submitted and to select any number of applications for a financial grant.

c. The Arabic Language Center shall select the grant recipient at its absolute discretion, and all decisions are final and binding in all respects;

d. If the application is accepted, the Arabic Language Center shall send an official acceptance letter to the grant recipient who submitted the application form, requesting the following documents:

- a valid copy of the agreement signed between the grant recipient and the licensor to license the rights of translation in the relevant title, specifying the validity and term of the license (the “License Period”);

- a valid copy of the grant recipient’s identity document (passport or Emirates ID), or trade license if the grant recipient is a company;

- any other document which the Arabic Language Center may reasonably request.

e. The grant recipient must submit documents under paragraph 3-3(d) within one month of receiving the acceptance letter from the Arabic Language Center.

f. The grant recipient must publish a paper copy of the translated book and send two copies thereof at the Center’s address within the License Period or within 12 calendar months from the date of notification of the grant, whichever is shorter.

g. Upon publishing the translated book, the grant recipient shall provide the following:

- two hard copies of the translated book;

- an electronic copy of the translated book.

h. Subject to the grant recipient's compliance with clause 3.3 above paragraphs (d, e, f, g), the Arabic Language Center will award the grant.


4.1 The financial grant set by the Arabic Language Center is AED 9,200 to AED 14,700 to translate the book from or into Arabic and publish the translated work in hard copy. It should be noted here that any grant application that includes a children's book series with small text size will be considered as a single application.

Payment shall be made in two installments: upon approval: 60% of the total value of the financial grant, and the second (40% of the value of the financial grant) upon sending a published hard copy of the translated book during the timeframe stipulated in paragraph 3.

4.2 The grant will be awarded to a grant recipient who complies with Clause 3.3 (d, e, f, g) above.

4.3 Each grant recipient will be fully responsible for paying any due tax, insurance or the equivalent thereof (if any) in connection with the grant or any part thereof.

4.4 The financial grant is not transferable to another person. If an applicant is ineligible for the initiative or chooses not to participate in the program after submission, no alternative financial grant will be made.

4.5 The grant recipient shall, as part of the requirements, add the logos of Abu Dhabi International Book Fair and Spotlight on Rights on all copies on the front or back cover of the book of the same size as the publisher’s logo, along with the following statement:

“As part of the Spotlight on Rights initiative for Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2022, this book was published with the support of the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center. However, the Center shall not accept any responsibility for the content of the book whatsoever.”

4.6 The recipient of the financial grant (the licensee) shall have the obligation to publish and distribute 1,000 (one thousand) copies of the publication (the book) or no less than 500 (five hundred) copies, provided that the printing is “offset” with the statement in paragraph 4.5 printed on it.


5.1 By signing the application form, the publisher warrants and confirms that the book being translated:

a. is an original work, and that the licensee is granted full rights to translated and publish the work;

b. does not infringe intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to, inventions, patents, copyrights, designs, trade secrets, database rights, rights to technical know-how, rights protecting goodwill, reputation, moral rights or other similar rights in any jurisdiction, and in any the status, whether or not registered, as well as any applications to register any of the foregoing, and all rights to apply to register any of the foregoing) (collectively, “Intellectual Property Rights”) of any third party; and

c. it does not infringe the image rights of any third party, or any privacy/publicity rights of any person or entity.

5.2 No part of these Terms and Conditions shall be construed as granting any exhibitor (licensee) any license over any of the intellectual property rights of the Arabic Language Center and/or any of its affiliates (including without limitation, trademarks, trade names and copyrights in any photographs, publications and/or other materials produced by or produced on behalf of the Arabic Language Center or any of its affiliates and distributed to publishers and commercial visitors in connection with Spotlight on Rights).

5.3 In the event that any book is found not to be an original work and/or in any way constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of a third party, the Arabic Language Center shall have the right to disqualify the licensee from the Spotlight on Rights and the licensee shall no longer be a qualified financial grant recipient.

In the event that the applicant (licensee) violates the conditions in this application or the instructions of the Center in this regard, the Center shall have the right to demand the refund of the financial grant or any part thereof that was previously paid.


6.1 The publisher expressly grants the Arabic Language Center and its appointees consent to use any personal information provided in the application form to the extent necessary for the effective implementation of the initiative.

6.2 Publishers and commercial visitors acknowledge and agree that the processing of personal information by any of them described in clause 6.1 above may include sharing such personal information with third parties. The publisher and commercial visitor also expressly acknowledge and agree that such participations may be in territories that do not have equivalent or more stringent data protection laws than those applicable in the participant's country of residence.


7.1 All communications and information provided through the Spotlight on Rights initiative must be in English and/or Arabic.

7.2 The publishers and commercial visitors jointly and severally agree to indemnify the Arabic Language Center (and its officers, employees and agents) for any damages, liabilities, losses or expenses they incur or arising directly or indirectly from their participation in the Spotlight on Rights initiative, including, without limitation, the breach by the publisher or commercial visitor of these Terms and Conditions (including, without limitation, any guarantee of third party rights); or negligence, fraud, or deficiencies in connection with the Spotlight on Rights initiative.

7.3 The Arabic Language Center assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss arising from or due to user’s errors, or late, lost, delayed, damaged, misleading, incomplete or misunderstood application forms.

7.4 To the extent permitted by law, the Arabic Language Center may terminate or modify the Spotlight on Rights initiative or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time, by publishing the amended terms and conditions. Where these Terms and Conditions are provided in more than one language, the English language version shall prevail in case of any conflict.

7.5 Any inquiries related to Spotlight on Rights should be sent to the following email address:

7.6 These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the federal laws of the UAE applicable to the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

7.7 If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held by a competent court to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall not be affected in any event.

7.8 These Terms and Conditions shall govern implementation of the Spotlight on Rights initiative only. Except as expressly provided herein, nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall create any contract, business or agency relationship between the Arabic Language Center and the publishers or commercial visitors.


That I accept all the foregoing, and that all the details mentioned hereinabove are true and complete;

that this document is only an application for a financial grant and does not constitute an agreement.

Thank you for your interest. We will get back to you soon.

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